Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Finally enrolled at an okayish gym out here in bengalooru, enrolled a few months back but since I don't give too much importance to people who read this, lets just pretend that I've just joined the damn place.

Now a gym is an excellent place to observe stupid people in all their OMFG-theres-a-rat-in-my ass-HAALP! glory.. You'll find every sort of cretin imaginable inside a gym (me included). Theres the thin, geeky kid who pulls off 50 reps with 2 kilo weights in the vain hope that he'll finally beat the school bully.. there's the fat lady who thinks she'll get thin after 15 minutes on the treadmill and right after gym, goes and chokes down a fvking barrel of sweet corn mixed with butter and whale blubber.

But the best of all of these dude(ettes) is the retarded techie, geek who comes in and expects to become HUGE like Schwarzenegger. This brand of retard will gorge on every brand of supplement, steroid, BCAA tablet, Multi-vitamin known to man and then crib how hard it is to build a nice mucular body. Too bad the idiot doesn't get in half the food hes supposed to be eating.

Now, a gym is obviously an awesome place to see retards...(check one out if you don't believe me)..I'll get around to putting up a new post once I re-remember I had a blog (maybe around 5 months aagey).

Tab tak, gut bye.

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